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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

PPSC PAST PAPER 2021 Imtiaz Shahid Correction And Illustration| PPSC PAST PAPER Assistant (bs-16) zakat and usher department Model 237


Assistant (bs-16)  zakat and usher department

1.       Largest Desert in Pakistan and Subtropical in Asia is

Ans:- Thar


Thar desert also known as the Great indian desert.

Located In North western Part of the Subcontinent.

Cover area 77,000 sq mil and form a natural boundry between india and Pakistan

It is the wolrld’s 20th largest desert

85% desert in India and 15% is in Pakistan .

In India :- Rajasthan , Gujarat, Haryana,Punjab

In Pakistan:- Punjab and Sindh

2.       Gulf Cooperation Council has how many members?

Ans:- 12


GCC is regional intergovernmental Polititcal and economic Union.

Established:- 25 may 1981

Head quarter :- Riyadh Suadi Arabia

Membership:- Bahrain , Kuwait , Oman , Qatar, Suadia Arabia , UAE

Officail Language:- Arabic

3.       Currently Most Supplier of weapons ?

Ans:- America

Illustration :-

 America 39%

Russia 19%

France 11%

China 4.6%

4.       Which Prime Minister of India visit Minar e Pakistan?

Ans:- Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Illustration:- On Feb 1999, the Pakistan Foreign Office announced the state visit of Indian Priome Minister Atal bihari Vajapayee aboard the maiden bus service between the Two countries.

5.       Which thing the brain demand the most?

Ans:- Glucose

6.       Supply oxygen to blood?

Ans:- Erythrocyte

7.       Current deputy chairman of senate is ?

Ans:- Mirza Muhammad Afridi

Illustration:-Since 12 march 2021

Term Length:-3 years

8.       India Airstrike at Balakot On?

Ans;-26 feb 2019

9.       The strongest types of energy is ?


10.   Tochi pass connects ?

Ans:- Bannu- Ghazni

Illustration:- Tochi is basically as valley in North Waziristan. The Pass is located in KPK.It coonects Bannu Pakistan With Ghazmi Afghanistan.

11.   Sagar Doab connects?

Ans;-Indus- Jhelum

12.   Human security network has ---member?

Ans:- 12

The Human Security Network  an association of 12 countries, has set itself the task of promoting the concept of human security as a feature of national and international policies, and in particular within the United Nations and in cooperation with academia and civil society

13.    Diamond is the form of?


14.    Which of the following Plants are called arthrophytes?


15.    Ganda Sing border connects?

Ans:- Ferozpur-Qasur

Illustration:- Ganda sing Wala is a village just 58 KM from Lahore city in Kasur District In the Punjab Pakistan. Untill 1986 it served as the main border crossing between Pakistan and India.

16.    When President Mamnoon Hussain signed the FATA merger bill.

Ans:- 31 may 2018

17.   The mixing of equity and debit called?

Ans:- Capital structure

18.   Kronborg castle is in?

Ans:- Denamrk

Illustration:- The castle is extensively and richly decorated with sandstone ornaments in unique and imaginative designs. The Great Hall (the banqueting hall) is one of the most exquisite rooms from this time – and the largest of its kind in Northern Europe. Kronborg Castle is also world famous as the setting of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

19.   Quaid-e-Azam Personal letters are saved In?

Ans:- National Archives Islamabad

20.    Which is the hardest?

Ans:- Diamond

21.   Qutab ud din Aibal buried in ?


Illustration:-Qutab Ud Din Aibak 1150 – November 1210 was a Turkic general of the Ghurid king n Muhammad Ghori.

Burial:- Anarkali bazaar , Lahore

22.   The Anti Money Laundering Act enforced in?

Ans:- 2010

23.   Who rejected the Nehru report?

Ans:- Jinnah

Illustration:- The Nehru Report of 1928 was a memorandum All Parties Conference in British India to appeal for a new dominion status and a federal set-up of government for the constitution of India.

With few exceptions League leaders rejected the Nehru proposals. In reaction Mohammad Ali Jinnah drafted his Fourteen Points in 1929 which became the core demands of the Muslim community which they put forward as the price of their participating in an independent united India.

24.   Which material is used in normal pencil?


25.    The Capital of Chile is ?

Ans:- Santiago

26.   The Treaty of Versailles are the Peace treaty between --- and Allied Powers?



Signed- 28 june 1919

Treaty of 28 june 1919 at the end of world war l. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers.

27.   The Process of Protection of Iron by Zinc Coating is called?

Ans:- Galvanizing

28.   THE Ukraine Plane crash in Iran , Iran called it?

Ans:- Human Error

Illustration:- 8 January 2020

Struck by two surface to air Missiles fires by the Islamic revolutionary Guards Corps.

Site: Shahriar country Iran .

Operator :- Ukraine International Airline

Passenger Killed :- 176

29.   Golden gate bridge is in ?

Ans:- San Francisco

Illustration:- The Golden Gate Bridgeis a suspension bridgespanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) straitconnecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.

Constuction start:- January 5, 1933

Construction End:- April 19,  1937

30.   PM Imran khan received Golden Kalashinkov as a gift from ?

Ans:- Saudi Arabia

Illustration :- The Governor of Tabuk Prince Fahad Bin Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz has gifted a gold plated Kalashnikov to Prime Minister Imran Khan.

31.   The United state congress is ____of the legislative brand of US Federal Government?

Ans:- 117th

32.   Third President of Pakistan?

Ans:- Yahya Khan


Yahya khan was Pakistani millitary general who served as the 3rd President of Pakistan and Chief martial law Administrator.

In office :- 25 march 1969—20 december 1971

Prime Minister at that time was Nurul Amin

1st President :- Iskander Mirza 23 March 1956

2nd President :-Ayub khan 27 October 1958

33.   Which Country first accept Pakistan?

Ans:- Iran

Illlustration :- Raza Shah Pahlvi The last King of Iran Who accept Pakistan.

Suadi arab was the country who supported during British Raj before partition In return to given great honor to Saudi arab Pakistan changed its city name “lylpur “ to Faisalabad The name of Shah Faisal.

Turkey , Lebanon , Iraq, Saudi arab and United states of America accept Pakistan.

34.   Which country releases 572 prisoners of Pakistan in ramzan 2019?

Ans:- UAE

35.   Currently Chief Election Commissioner is?

Ans:-Sikander Sultan Raja

Illustration :- 21 jan 2020


36.   How many round of round Table Conference?


Illustration :-

1st round table conference : 12 november 1930 Held in London 

2nd  round table Conference : 7 september 1931 Held In London

3rd round table Conference: 17 november 1932 held in London


37.   Which UN Convention has most signatories at its opening day?

Ans:-UN Convention On persons with disabilities


There were 82 signatories to the Convention, 44 signatories to the Optional Protocol, and 1 ratification of the Convention. This is the highest number of signatories in history to a UN Convention on its opening day.

38.   Recently North Korea end diplomatic relations with?


39.   Pakistan purchased Gawadar from ?


Illustration :- Prime Minister Feroze khan Noon Purchase Gawadar In 1958 from the Sultan of Oman for Rs.5.5 Billion .

40.   Mutiny War occurs in ?

Ans:- 1857

Illustration :-Mutiny war start  May 10 1857 – July 8, 1859

Indian Mutiny also called sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independence but unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in India 1857 -59 . In india it is Often called the First war of Independence and Other similar names.

41.   Magna Carta was sigend in?


Illustration :- Magna carta  Great charter of Freedom is a royal charter to make peace between unpopular king and a group of rebel barons.

Drafted On june15 ,1215

42.    Alexander defeated Raja Porous in?


Illustration:- the Bttle of hydaspes was fought between Alexander the great and Raja porus In  may 326 It took place on the bank river of Jhehlum

43.    ___ is used to measure altitude from sea level?


44.    18th Amendment passed in the reign of which President?

Ans:-Asif Ali Zardari

Illustration:- 18th amendment was passed by the national assembly of Pakistan on april 8, 2010 removing the power of the president of Pakistan to dissolve the Parliament Unilaterally turning Pakistan from a semi presidential to a parliamentary republic and renaming North West frontier Province to KPK.

The amendment bill was passed by the Senate of Pakistan on April 15, 2010 and it became an act of parliament when President Asif Ali Zardari put his signature on the bill on April 19, 2010. It was the first time in Pakistan's history that a president relinquished a significant part of his powers willingly and transferred them to parliament and the office of the prime minister.

45.    __ is Non-viral disease?

Ans:- None of these

46.    The most naturally event  in nutrient Cycle is ?

Ans:- Nutrient Cycle

47.    He was admitted __ the college?


48.    The Police was__ the Accident?

Ans:-Looking Into

49.    My friend and benefactor__ died?

Ans:- Has

50.    I think there in not only cleaner__ is next to our college/

Ans:- Another

51.    To Pull Socks Up means?

Ans:- To get ready

52.    The Antonym of Benign is ?

Ans:- Malevolent

53.    The Antonym of blooming is ?


54.    The antonym of Transmit is ?


55.    Change the voice,: The box can contain no more.?

Ans:- No more be contained In the box

56.    Do you Understand what I mean?

Ans:-What I mean is understood by you?

57.    Change the voice: The Doctor bandaged the arm of the injured man?

Ans:-The arm of the injured man was bandaged by the Doctor

58.    The Analogy of lion : Carnivores Then?


59.    The Son amused themselves. Themselves is ?

Ans:- Pronoun

60.    We should take taxi __ it is more expensive?

Ans:- Even if

61.    You will go, or you will miss the train, It is which type of sentence?

Ans:- Complex

62.    I don’t mind __ if you are tired?

Ans:- Driving

63.    Which one is incorrect?

Ans:- 10+17

64.    Which key is used to  select whole document?

Ans:- Ctrl+A

65.    Which key is used to align the text to center?

Ans:- Ctrl+E

66.    Power point is used for?

Ans:- Animation + Video + Audio : All of them

67.    Landscape and Portrait are ?

Ans:- Page Orientation

68.    Which software is used to access webpages?


69.    Numeric paid is

Ans:- Keyboard

70.    1KB is equal to

Ans:- 1024 bytes

71.    CRT stand for

Ans:- Cathode ray tube

72.    Which Operation will you perform if you need to move a block of text?

Ans:- Cut and Paste

73.    If a school cafeteria needs C cans of soup each week for each student, and if there are S student in the school, for hoe many weeks eill Can soup last?

Ans:- X/CS


 No. of soup cans per student per week = c
Hence total no. of soup cans per week = cs

No. of soup cans available = x
By dividing no. of soup cans by the requirement, we can find no. of weeks.

74.    If Log 2= 0.312 Log 10= 1 then log5 512is

Ans:- 3.875


Use the logarithmic formulas                              

log (m/n) =log (m)- log (n)

log m^n = n log (m)



75.    If the interest rate of Rs800 be more then the interest on Rs400 by Rs 40 in 2years then the rate of interest per annum is

Ans:- 5%


P1 = Rs.800

P2 = Rs.400

Time = 2 years

Difference in S.I. = Rs.40

Formula used:

S.I. = (PRT)/100


(P1RT)/100 – (P2RT)/100 = 40

RT(800 – 400) = 4000

R = 4000/800

R = 5%

The rate of simple interest is 5%.



76.    21 Binders can bind 1400 Books in 15 days . How many binders will be required to bound 800 books in 20 days.

Ans:- 09



77.    12 men and 15 women can reap a field in 14 days . Find the daus that men 7 and 5 women can take to reap it.



12 men=15women

1man=(15/12)=(5/4) women

7 men=35/4 women

(35/4+5 )=55/4

15 women=14 days

55/4 women=(15*14*4)/55=



78.    An Army camp of 200 men has enough food for 60 days. How long will the food last if the number of men in the camp is reduced to 160?

Ans:- 75


Men : Days (for food to last)
200 : 60
160 : 
200 =  
160  = 60 

200 x 60 = 160 x 
12000      = 160
12000      = 

75             = 

79.    0.232323 is also written in form of

Ans:- 23/99


Let y = 0.232323            (1)

By Multiplying y By 100

100y=23.232323    (2)





81.    If P*Q=P+Q+P/Q then 8*2 is

Ans:- 14



82.    A Ladder make an angle of 60 degree with the ground agaist a wall. If the foot of ladder is 2m away from the wall. The length of ladder is ?

Ans:- 4m


Let AC be the ladder and AB be the wall. 

Then, BC is the distance between base of the ladder & wall = 2 m.

 Also, C = 60o.
Now, In 
ABC, cos 60o = ACBC

 AC = cos60oBC=212 = 4 m

83.     آپﷺ کا نام احمد کس سورت میں آیا ہے

سورہ الصف

84.      فترت الوحی کسے کہتے ہیں

Ans:-پہلی اور آخری وحی کے درمیان کے وقت کق

85.     حٖضرت عیسی کا پیشہ کیا تھا



86.     ام القری کسے کہتے ہیں

Ans:- مکہ لو

87.     صلح حدبیہکا ،عاہدہ کتنے عرصے کے لئے ھوا

Ans:- دس سال

88.     قرآن مجید میں نفص کی کتنی اقسام بیان ہوئی ہیں

Ans:- تین

89.     اصحاب الخدود سے کیا مراد ہے

Ans:- کھائی کھود نے والے

90.     الم سے قرآن مجید میں کتنی سورتیں شروع ہوتی ہیں

Ans:- چھ

91.      ارستو سے الیٹ تک کس کی کتاب ہے

Ans:- ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی

92.     آنگن کس کا ناول ہے

Ans:- خدیجہ مستور

93.      شر کا متضاد ہے


94.     سریلے بول  کا شاعر کس کی کتاب ہے

Ans:-عصمت اللہ خان

95.     غزل کا پہلا شعر کیا کہلا تا ہے


96.     محاروہ مکمل کریں الٹی پتی ــــ

Ans:- پڑھانا

97.      یہ فیٖضان نظر کا تھا یا کہ مکتب کی کرامت تھی

سکھائے کس نے اسمعیل کو آداب فرزندی

اقبال اس شعر میں کون سی صنف ہے

 Ans:-  تلمیح

98.     خاک اور خون کس کا ناول ہے

Ans:-نسیم حجازی

99.     فدوس بریں کس کا ناول ہے

Ans:- عبدالحلیم شرر

100.  ردیف کے بغیر نظم کیا کہلا تی ہے

Ans:- معری




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