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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Muhammad bin Qasim and Raja Dahir in 712|History Of Muhammad Bin Qasim| Conquest Of Sindh By Muhmmad bin Qasim in 712|History from 712 to 1857.


1. Muhammad bin Qasim and Raja Dahir in 712.


Current situation of Sindh:


In those days Sindh was considered to be a very rich but remote area of Hindustan and governed by the Raaye Dynasty from 489 to 632 AD.. The last king was Raye Sahassi II. chaich was serving under king. Chaich had an affair with the wife of the King  Raani Suuhandi. When the king died  chaich married him and became the king and the Brahman rule start. Chaich ruled from 632 to 671. Dhar sena and Raaja daahir was his son , and one daughter, Raani bai. After the death of Chaich, his brother RaaJa Channdraa 671 to 679 reigned until.

After Raja Chandra the kingdom was divided between his son Raja and nephew Raja Dahir (679-712). Raja Dahar was the ruler from Arwood (Rohri) to Debal and Raja Brahmanabad (Shahzadpur). Dahar's brother DharSena after Raj He made Dhar Sena the ruler of barahmanabad. After Dharsena's death, Rajad Dahar became the sole ruler. These were Brahman rulers. While Raaya was a follower of Buddhism. The lust for power and persecution of the Brahmins Dahir thought that the empire Don't go to someone else. He married his own sister.

Reasons for the conquest of Sindh:

The king of Sarandeep took the Muslims on a ship and sent them to Iraq for Haj .These boats had entered the Makran Sea when Pirates of  Makaran pushed them towards their coast and they reached near the Dibal. Pirates of Sindh robbed them and caputures all the people . One of them somehow got out and he arrived. Hajjaj bin Yusuf and told him that a woman from the tribe of Yaz Bua among the prisoners called for help. His words were  Haajjaj please help us." When Hajjaj come to know he wrote a letter.and demanded from  Daahir Of Sindh to leave the prisoner  to which Daahir  replied that the corsair were out of the way , so it is not in my hand to punish them. After this reply Hajjaj decided to attack on sind Two smaller compaigns furtile After whichh Hajjaj sent his nephew Muhammad Bin Qasim .

Muhammad Bin Qasim:

Imaduddin Muhammad bin Qasim was born on December 31, 695 in Taif. Your father's name was Qasim bin Yusuf. When Muhammad bin Qasim was young, his father died. Hajjaj bin Yusuf was his uncle and father-in-law. Died on 18 July 715.

 He commanded 6,000 selected Syrian and Iraqi soldiers under the command of the seventeen-year-old Imad al-Din Muhammad bin Qasim.

The army was dispatched. Along with him, he also sent the same number of horse-riding soldiers and 3,000 camels loaded with supplies and equipment. The name of the bridegroom who needed strength 500 people was Aros (bride).After passing through Makran, Muhammad bin Qasim reached Dibal in 712 AD.

Conquest of Dibel

There was a large temple at the site of Dibal, on the top of which a red flag was flying. Muhammad bin Qasim was told that the inhabitants of the fort believed that Dibal could not be conquered as long as the flag continued to fly. Therefore, he ordered that the target of the catapult should be tied to the flag. Soon after the flag was brought down, the defenders were disheartened and Dibel was conquered. Muhammad bin Qasim then turned to Nirun, a city near present-day Hyderabad. A Buddhist priest who was stationed there as the caretaker of the city. Accepted the obedience of Muslims. Later Muhammad bin Qasim crossed the river Indus. Dahir decided to confront the Arabs at Raver. A fierce fight ensued in which Dahir was defeated and killed.Raj parivar according to Hindu constitution.The women of the were burnt to death in the fire.After Rawar, Muslims conquered Brahmanbad.

Reign of Muhammad bin Qasim And Death

Muhammad bin Qasim then captured Alwar and then proceeded to Multan, the largest city of Halai Sindh. On the way a fort named Sikka (Uch) was captured. The people of Multan fought for two months after which the Hindus were overwhelmed and defeated in 714 Multan conquered. The inhabitants of Multan, who included traders, merchants and artisans, as well as Jats and Meds, and who had been suffering a lot at the hands of the local authorities, came to the service of Muhammad bin Qasim to show respect and obedience. In accordance with the practice of the Muslims, he guaranteed the conquered peoples the protection of their lives and property and the freedom to worship.

Muhammad bin Qasim stayed in India for four years. Died in prison during imprisonment in Iraq in 715 during the reign of Sulaiman ibn Abd al-Mulk (717-715). Hakim Shaibani was his trusted commander.

After Muhammad bin Qasim

After Muhammad bin Qasim, Yazid bin Abi Kabsha, Amir bin Abdullah Habib bin Mehlab and Umar bin Muslim Bahli were appointed rulers of Sindh. None of them could truly succeed Muhammad bin Qasim. Arabs ruled Sindh for 282 years. The Abbasid governor who arrived in Sindh in 757 was  HISHAM.

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